"I have been crucified with Christ and no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Galations 2:20 status
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Sunday, 12. February 2012
When the cloud descends ... It occurred to me today that in the Bible, God appears mosty in the form of a cloud, fire, or is referred to as the living water (amongst other things of course). Why He would choose to appear to us in these forms seemed strange at first, but some brainstorming revealed this: clouds cast confusion on our enemies, and cannot be touched or held. It is a presence that is there but isn't at the same time. And, it is a form of water! Fire offers light and warmth, and again, isn't something that can be moved or used at random except for the purpose of light and warmth. And water keeps us alive. In light of these few points (there are probably more), I realised that sometimes, God is right by us. Especially during the times when we think we can't cope anymore and we feel like He has abandoned us, He is most often closer than He is in the 'good' times. Like a cloud surrounding us; we cannot see because of it. BUT it's when that cloud is around us, when God is so close, that we can learn to trust in the God who created us. Because only He can lead us when we're blinded - by that very cloud that is leading us! Perhaps this confusion that I am living right now; not knowing the future, not knowing if my efforts will pay off, not knowing if I'll have to leave the people I've only just learned to love so deeply - perhaps this is for that very reason, to admit defeat and surrender to God, who knows what He's doing and has enshrined me in His cloud! ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment Thursday, 9. February 2012
The journey It's a journey - meeting people and saying goodbye, making mistakes and then making sure we avoid making the same ones. Getting hurt and falling down, taking time out before we pull ourselves up again and have another go. And right now, it feels like I've travelled the journey alone for quite a long time, without realising it. There have been people in my life; special people, who have been the support I needed, the comfort I longed for, the light in my dark nights, but then they have left, and other people have replaced them. No, I've never been alone. But I have lived with myself for so long, it's the only thing I am completely familiar with, unlike the comings and goings around me. As a result, I do get quite lonely at times. And that's the challenge; to overcome these strong emotions, moving forward and focusing on God, because He is greater than feelings. He never changes, He is not unpredictable like feelings. Apart from myself - though I am changing and a growing, learning being, He is the other One I have known all my life, because He is always there. These past weeks have shown me this: feelings and emotions are good; they are what make us human. They are what make us cherish happiness and the times we have with special people. But they are not everything. God is bigger than everything, including feelings. So when we are down, lonely, jealous, whatever, we can remember that God is greater, and these emotions will pass. And when we are happy or having a good time, then it is just as worth while to remember that God is still greater. He should be our guide, not our circumstances. "The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:7 - 8. ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment |
Last update: 5. June, 02:44
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